Front-End Web Developer with a passion for beautiful, deliberate, intuitive design.


Who I Am

> Hi there!👋 My name is Will Kimble, I'm a US-based Web Developer. I've always been someone with both a creative and a logical side. After taking a Web Development and Design course in college I realized it was a perfect fit.

> I've primarily worked front-end with small companies and individuals. My goal is to create mobile and desktop-based websites that focus on simplicity and usability. Every line of code is written by hand to tailor-make exactly what is expected without adding anything superfluous to bog down the experience or brand.

> Outside of Web Development, I love spending my spare time in nature, which inevitably influences my work. I like to incorporate the things I see and experience in the natural world into my designs. I also love spending time traveling, coding, finding new coffee shops and learning languages.

Responsive Design

I appreciate simple and clean design patterns. UI / UX is a passion of mine. I never get tired of seeing new ways of creating layouts and experiences.

Front-End Tools

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life. I've learned many tools for development including HTML5, CSS/SCSS, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, React.JS, Next.JS, Astro, Visual Studio Code, npm, and Git.


I believe the web should be practical and useable for everyone. I try to design and code my webpages so that anyone with any accessibility barrier can use and enjoy them.

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Recent Work

Park Finder

NPS Park Finder

SCSS React.js Next.js NPS API

An application for National Parks that provides information about nearby parks.

Andy's Foundations, LLC

Local Construction Company

SCSS React.js

Website created for a local concrete construction company.

Minimalist Nomad

Travel Blog Mockup

SCSS React.js Next.js TailwindCSS Stripe

A travel blog with dynamic blog posts and an e-commerce store.

WebDev Essentials

Web Developer Toolkit

SCSS Astro Javascript

Website created to save and sort useful front-end tools.

Get in touch!

> I'm always happy to hear about exciting opportunities, build valuable connections, or just say hi to a stranger.

> Feel free to send me an email or fill out the form to the rightbelow with a quick message.

> Further links to my social media can be found below.

Let's connect!